TAG Sample Project

At the last TAG meeting, several TAG members expressed an interest in working with the sample project that was used for the demonstration. The attached sample project contains some additional features that were not demonstrated in the meeting, but were part of the conversation.

Please be aware that this UT3 project contains data from three discreet data acquisition scenarios. Therefore, the attributes (Start/Stop/Interval) of the root Data Folder are not valid for charting or analysis. The subfolders will need to be used. Here is a list of some of the items you will find in this project:


  • Custom Properties
    • Data Folders:
      • Subfolders and organization
      • Formula and Constant Channel


      • Value Filter
      • Schedule Filter


      • Line chart
      • Scatter chart
      • Chart with split into two panes
      • Chart with multiple Y axis
      • Chart with value filter
      • Chart with schedule filter
      • Chart using Dynamic Search (use Y Data Input Editor - see chart trace and properties)


      • Light Load Analysis
      • Plug Load Analysis
      • Psychrometric Calculator

      We will be scheduling another TAG meeting in a few weeks. Please take the time to use the UT3 and its features with some typical data seen in your projects or field. The on-board Help and Tutorial may be helpful in working with the sample project. Use the bug reporting and feature request tool on the UT3 Alpha tab of UTOnline to submit comments (http://www.utonline.org/cms/node/131).

      Your input is greatly appreciated and vital to the development of this program!

      To view the sample Project, download and unzip the attached zip file to a folder. Then open UT3 and select “File” and “Open”. Then navigate and select the file “Sample Project – A15.u3p”. The project should open.